Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Socially Aware Videos, Spring 2014

This is one of my favorite projects!

My goal was two-fold. One, I wanted students to grapple with tough social issues in the world. At an affluent private school we are somewhat insulated from many issues gripping the globe. I hoped to bring that home to the students. Two, I wanted them to learn some video editing skills.

First, I had them watch a series of videos to make them aware of the needs out there. Next, they broke into small teams to create a video based on one of these social issues. I purposely give them very little instruction about which tools to use. This gives them freedom to use things they have at their disposal or may have played with in the past. It also allows them to explore new tools too.

I found it interesting that two of my three teams used a similar concept, but I liked the way it looked. The soundtrack helped keep things moving.

You can see two of the projects below.

What video projects are your students working on?  

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