Saturday, March 3, 2012

Heaven and Hell

Our sixth grade students were encouraged to write down questions about heaven and hell this past week.  Here is my Bible class curriculum for the week.  Wow!  Deep stuff...


Are there animals there?

If hell is the bad people’s waiting room, where is good people’s waiting room?

I thought Heaven was paradise, but you said Jesus took people from paradise to Heaven.

If you go to hell and there is a second judgment, you can’t go to heaven, can you?

If we die and we got to heaven and the new earth and new heaven are created, where do we go?

When we die today, do we go to paradise or heaven?

When we die will we go to new heaven or new earth?

Does it say in the Bible that heaven will be on earth someday?

What is life like in heaven?

What exactly is the Lake of Fire?

Is there more than one heaven?

What is paradise like?

What is the difference between hell and the Lake of Fire?

What do we have to do to get to heaven?

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